Herbs, Vitamins etc | |

In countries where there are higher levels of boron in the soil and hence higher levels in produce that people consume, levels of arthritis are lower.

The primary source of boron even if you live in a country with lowers levels are – fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. We all know what the statistics are saying – most people do not eat enough fruit and vegetables.

We know that the 5-a-day (is ignored) which is minimum as 9 to 12 each day is optimum. When actually talking of fresh unprocessed (not canned or dehydrated etc) fruit and vegetables and you don’t include french fries then most people don’t manage 5-a-week?

Are you eating the minimum of fresh fruit and vegetables EVERYDAY to get enough boron? Leave a lone all the other benefits you would derive.

A long with some serious diet changes to a much healthy way of life – remember I keep emphasizing the need to take a multi-approach. You cannot expect to take a supplement like boron and hope your arthritis will just go away. Few people have found anything that easy. Boron supplement could be worth trying – 3mg to 6mg depends on your size, how bad the arthritis is and how much you will change your diet.

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You may or may not have heard of Tissue Salts – a wonderfully simple but effective system of talking highly absorb-able minerals a long with some dietary changes are effective in helping arthritis. In Germany back in the early nineteenth century Dr WH Schuessler a well known physiological chemist and homeopathic physician, thought that 2000 homeopathic remedies could be simplified.

It appeared to him that in a lot of the 2000 remedies, the mineral constituent was the active ingredient. He proceeded to identify and work with 12 “tissue salts”, which were located in every human cell.

Each and every Tissue Salts or Cell Salts are vital mineral constituents of the body. Combining and inter-reacting in the body to produce and maintain an infinite number of tissue-cells of which the human body is composed.

He determined that any cell salt deficiency or imbalance may result in illness – the symptoms varying according to the deficient cell or tissue salt. Dr Schuessler found that if the body was lacking in any of these salts, loss of health occurred. However he went on to state that if the deficiency was corrected, the body could in fact, heal itself.

Schuessler`s Cell or Tissue Salts are a valuable in micro dose cell foods prepared in a homeopathic way, they are rapidly and easily absorbed, and assimilated.

Other advantages tissue salts have– tasteless, odourless, dissolve in the mouth (no pill swallowing) easy to take even by children and are cheap to buy.

Tissue salts certainly are worth trying – along with some serious dietary changes.

The 12 cell or tissue salts

1 CALC FLUOR (Calcium Fluoride) Cracks in the skin, loss of elasticity, strengthen veins and arteries, piles, and sluggish circulation. Calcium Fluoride helps maintain tissue elasticity, this would include dilated blood vessels such as with haemorrhoids, and conditions like varicose veins.Calcium Fluoride is also found in the enamel of teeth and bones. Muscle strain and injured ligaments.

2 CALC PHOS (Calcium Phosphate) Anaemia, blood coagulation problems, circulation problems, and bone weakness. A beneficial influence on digestion, absorption and assimilation, Calcium Phosphate is the bone cell salt, also teeth. It helps the build-up of blood corpuscles and may assist during teething, puberty, convalescence and in later years. Prevents muscle cramps and pain during menstruation

3 CALC SULPH ( Calcium Sulphate) Pimples, sore throat, and colds. It is a constituent of connective tissue, mucous membranes and the skin. Calcium Sulphate helps clear the body of toxins. Calcium Sulphate is beneficial for slow wound healing, for pimples, boils, carbuncles, ulcers, abscesses, etc.

4FERRUM PHOS (Phosphate of Iron) congestion, inflammatory pain, high temperature, quickened pulse, and lack of red blood corpuscles. Regarded as the “Oxygen Carrier”, Phosphate of Iron is beneficial for any inflammatory or feverish condition. Whenever there are ailments arising from disturbed circulation – heat, pains, redness, throbbing, or quickened pulse. Beneficial during the first stage of acute diseases, common cold, bronchitis, respiratory infection, acute rheumatism, etc. Iron assists in maintaining normal body resistance to disease.

5 KALI MUR (Potassium Chloride) Sluggish conditions, catarrh, sore throat, glandular swelling, white coated tongue, light coloured stools, coughs, and colds. Potassium Chloride may assist with the temporary relief of minor respiratory disorders, such as wheezing. It also aids the reduction of mucus congestion during colds and sinusitis. Potassium Chloride is beneficial for the lymphatic glands and glandular swelling. Especially useful for problems such as ulcerated sore throat, tonsillitis, catarrh infection of the middle ear.

6 KALI PHOS ( Potassium Phosphate) Nervous headaches, lack of sleep, irritability, depression, lack of concentration and tantrums. A constituent of nerve and brain cells, Potassium Phosphate is a useful nerve tonic. This tissue salt is indicated in cases where there is stress and tension (ie Pain)

7 KALI SULPH ( Potassium Sulphate) intestinal disorders, inflammatory conditions, eruptions on the skin and scalp with scaling, shifting pains. Potassium Sulphate works in synergy with Phosphate of Iron as an oxygen carrier, benefiting the respiratory and circulatory functions. Potassium Sulphate may also give relief from catarrh problems associated with yellowish or greenish discharge. Can be beneficial for acute bouts of rheumatic pains. It opens the pores of the skin, brings blood to the surface and promotes perspiration.

8 MAG PHOS (Magnesium Phosphate) Menstrual pains, stomach cramps, flatulence, neuralgia, sciatica, headaches with darting stabbing pain, cramps, and muscular twitching. This mineral is another mineral element of bones, teeth, brain, nerves, blood and muscle cells. It is the chief remedy for complaints of a spasmodic nature, such as in colic, menstruation cramps, palpitations, spasmodic cough, toothache, neuralgia and acute pains in general.

9 NATMUR (Sodium Chloride) headaches with constipation, heartburn, toothache, hay fever, craving for salt and salty foods. Considered the “Water Salt”, Sodium Chloride helps control the degree of moisture in the tissues, and as such is beneficial for temporary relief of conditions such as watery colds, (runny nose and eye watering symptoms). It may also assist with tissue dryness ie some cases of constipation. Helpful in certain conditions of backache or digestive problems from too little acid (ie more common in an A blood type).

10 NAT PHOS. (Sodium Phosphate) Stiffness and swelling of the joints, acidic blood conditions, rheumatism, lumbago, golden-yellow coating at root of tongue. Sodium Phosphate helps maintain the alkalinity of the blood, emulsifies fatty acids and keeps uric acid soluble in the blood. It also aids the temporary relief of gastric indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, and mild rheumatic tendencies.

11 NAT SULPH (Sodium Sulphate) flu, asthma, malaria, liver ailments, greenish coating of the tongue, and bitter taste in mouth. Sodium Sulphate helps balance the amount of water in the tissues and if necessary eliminates excess fluid. It aids the liver, spleen and kidneys. As such, Sodium Sulphate may aid the temporary relief of biliousness, liver troubles, and digestive upsets.

12 SILICA (Silicon Oxide) smelly feet and arm pits, abscesses, boils, tonsillitis, brittle nails, stomach pains. It is good for cleansing and eliminating accumulative toxins. Silicon oxide is part of all connective tissue cells. Silicon Oxide is also beneficial for the normal health and strength of hair and nails.

The 5 PHOSPHATES a great combination for supporting the nerves, helps to relieve stress. This is a great combination for exam time, overtime, or anytime your schedule takes you beyond your limits, especially when mental clarity and focus is needed.

COMBINATION of all 12 essential cell or tissue salts – preparation is in accordance with the British and US Pharmacopoeia, and based on Dr Schuessler`s biochemical system of medicine. This combination is beneficial in helping balance the mineral status throughout the body. This remedy is a general daily support.

Remember to really make a difference to your arthritic condition you need to change your diet firstly and then consider your options in supplements – cell or tissue salt may help you. To make a difference to your arthritis condition you need a multi-faceted approach. One or two things will not be enough to change a chronic condition. Before people come to see me they say they have tried this or that and it hasn’t made much difference – this is because you need to look at your whole style – everything you eat, drink , think and do.

There are no easy or quick solutions – it take time and decication to improve a condition like arthritis. But it can be improved if you put into place all the facets needed.

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DLPA (DL phenylalanine) has shown to reduce chronic pain. Some people have remarkable reduction of pain in just a few days. However if there is little difference after taking it for three weeks, it isn’t worth taking it for any longer.

When the body is injured it produces endorphins, they are hormones produced in the brain and have a similar on the body as painkiller medication. There are two enzymes that help to break these down endorphins, the good news is DLPA is thought to inhibit the action of these enzymes allowing the body’s natural endorphins to act for longer.

Experience has shown this supplement works in about 60% of people who have tried it.


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Even though I am going to advise on natural substances that will help reduce pain, I would still stress you need to change your diet to a healthier one, to help reduce the inflammation your body is producing in the first place. However, when pain becomes chronic any natural help and relief is welcomed.

Research has demonstrated that some nutrients are very affective in reducing pain. Lets take vitamin C for instance – a deficiency causes scurvy, bleeding gums, tender joints and pain plus a considerable amount of other things.

Research had revealed that vitamin C taken with bioflavonoids and something like bromelain or a digestive enzyme for proteins worked better than a NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) in reducing inflammation and pain!

Burns victims in some hospitals are bathed in a vitamin C solution and given vitamin C to take orally experienced pain relief and faster healing, an convention treatment.

When cancer patients were given 10 mgs a day their pain and suffering was dramatically reduced.

Significant differences were found in sufferers of osteoporosis – between those taking vitamin C and those who were short of vitamin C – there was increased activity of the crucial cartilage enzymes of the joint – encouraging repair.

Vitamin C is well known as an affective natural anti-histamine.

If you take Aspirin than protect yourself with vitamin C.

We all know vitamin C rich foods are vegetables and fruits – to enhance the anti-inflammatory and healing process also take vitamin C supplements as well.

Vitamin E This vitamin also has an anti-inflammatory affect helping to reduce pain. Vitamin E is also renowned for encouraging the circulation and anything that improves the circulation will bring extra nutrients and oxygen to the joints and also allowing for a more efficient removal of debris out of the joints.

Vitamins B1, B6, B12 – shown in research to reduce inflammation and combined have an analgesic effect. The easiest way and most effective way is to take a B complex supplement as the B vitamins work synergistically.

B1 can help suppress pain transmission.

B6 works with tryptophan metabolism. A B6 deficiency seems to be associated with low levels of serotonin. It would seem that B6 helps relieve pain and swelling of arthritis.

B12 is also helpful at reducing pain and inflammation but seemed even more effective when taken with other B vitamins.

Magnesium play a vital role in synthesising myelin, the insulation a round the nerves, without it they become sensitive to pain. magnesium also has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Zinc taken by patients with rheumatoid arthritis seemed to have less joint swelling. Zinc has anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties.

Essential fatty acids like borage oil, evening primrose oil and fish oils all help to metabolize anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, especially helpful for arthritis suffers.

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Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that affect every aspect of your health. There are over 30 different types that have been identified so far. These hormone-like substances fall into three main categories, depending on which fatty acid they are made from.

Series 1 prostaglandin is made from omega-6.

Series 2 prostaglandin is made from Arachidonic Acid (AA).

Series 3 prostaglandin is made from omega-3.

Each series has a different function within the body, having far reaching consequences on every cell.

Series 1 PGE keeps blood platelets from sticking together, helping to prevent heart attacks due to clots in our arteries. PGE 1 helps the kidneys remove sodium and excess fluid from the body. It relaxes the blood vessels, improves circulation lowers blood pressure and relieves angina. PGE 1 even slows down the production of cholesterol (our liver produces about 70% our cholesterol the rest comes from our diet). It decreases inflammatory responses helping to control pain. Makes insulin work more effectively, helping diabetes. It improves nerve function producing a sense of well-being. Regulates calcium metabolism, improves the function of the T-cells in our immune system. And from a pain and inflammatory point of view PGE 1 helps to prevent the release of arachidonic acid from our cell membranes.

Series 2 – PGE 2 promotes platelet aggregation, which is the first step in a blood clot formation. PGE 2 encourages the kidneys to retain salt leading to fluid retention and high blood pressure. These prostaglandins also encourage inflammation and hence pain.

Series 3 – PGE 3 also prevents arachidonic acid from being released from cell membranes, therefore preventing PGE 2 from being made. This explains why fish can prevent degeneration of the cardiovascular system, fluid retention, and reduce inflammation.

For a better balance – we need plenty of essential fatty acids plus a good supple of vitamins and minerals like C, B3, B6, magnesium, and zinc. Cut down on your meat consumption as it is a rich source of arachidonic acid and at the same time increase your intake of plant foods of all types.

Increase your consumption of  –

Hemp seeds

Flaxseeds (linseeds)

Borage capsules

Evening primrose capsules






All fruits and vegetables

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As we get older our digestion begins to slow down, especially as we have taken it for granted for so many years. We have constantly been eating foods that have taken their toll over the years.

For the body to perform this enormous task each day it needs plenty of fluids and a huge amount of nutrients to produce enough enzymes and digestive juices.

Unfortunately, the foods that most people have chosen to eat over the years have been hard to digest, supply few nutrients the very nutrients needed for their own breakdown leave alone enough nutrients for all the other systems in the body.

The Perfect Scenario

Choose to eat foods that are nutritious, making sure a large proportion

of them contain ‘live’ enzymes (fresh fruit and vegetables, live yogurt etc)

Easy to digest, provide plenty of nutrients for their own digestion with plenty left over for other functions

elsewhere in the body, ‘live’ food bring with them plenty of enzymes, sparing the body’s reserves for other

important processes like regeneration of deteriorating joints

In reality was has actually happened over the years

Consumed a diet typically full of refined foods and processed foods

Provide next to no nutrients or enzymes – use up a lot of energy not in the

sense of calories, more like vital reserves. In the digestion process of these foods

the body has had to steal nutrients from other systems, digestion struggles

and deficiencies are created – hence aging and deterioration are further encouraged.

For instance a shortage of zinc – affects every aspect of digestion, also affecting your taste and smell, as we age it is noticeable how people add more salt to compensate for the decline in taste.

A zinc deficiency affects the quality of hydrochloric acid levels, the correct levels

·break down calcium sufficiently to enable us to absorb and utilize calcium properly, vital as a we age

·kills bacteria before they enter the body and cause problems

·ensures proper protein breakdown

Enough zinc is also needed for healing and repair, for the immune system, to fight infections, involved in anti-inflammation, it’s an anti-oxidant. It’s a very busy mineral.

Our zinc supplies are primarily stored in our muscles, also found stored in red and white blood cells, the retina of the eye, bones, skin, kidneys, liver, and the pancreas. It is also found in the prostate gland.

Zinc also has some antioxidant properties, which means that it helps protect cells in the body from the potential damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals occur naturally in the body, but environmental toxins (including ultraviolet light, radiation, cigarette smoking, and air pollution) can also increase the number of these damaging particles. Free radicals are believed to contribute to the aging and degeneration processes.

The typical daily intake of zinc is approximately 10 mg, this much lower than the woefully low recommended dietary allowance (RDA). RDA is the lowest setting it’s not for optimum health.

Zinc is essential for maintaining proper bone health throughout life. Zinc has been shown to stimulate bone formation and inhibit bone loss, as well ensure the correct breakdown of calcium so it can be used by the body. Depending on your digestive the body will absorb anything from 20% to 40% of the available zinc in foods.

Zinc is more readily absorbed from animal sources like red meat, fish, seafood (is particularly good), cheese, and poultry, than from plant sources as phytates particularly in wheat hinders absorption of zinc. Beans and seeds like pumpkin, sesame and sunflower contain good sources of zinc.

Zinc is also an extremely good antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory actions. Making it invaluable for arthritis suffers. It has been noted that higher levels reduce the generation of inflammatory cytokines, especially as we age. It would seem low levels of zinc allow greater levels of inflammatory cytokines to flourish.


Digestive enzymes will improve digestion and absorption.

Mineral - Zinc 25mg

Vitamins – B complex

Food - Apple cider vinegar (no other vinegar will do). Take a dessertspoon in a little water 30 minutes before each meal.

It is so very important to chew your food properly. Never over fill your stomach. When you have eaten a meal wait 10 minutes before you have anything else to eat. The reason being it takes that long before your body tells you whether you have eaten enough food or not.

Spice – Crack fresh pepper on your food. Ginger encourages the production of digestive enzymes.

Herb – Anything that has a bitter taste before a meal will do wonders for digestion. The bitter taste stimulates all the digestive juices. That is why aperitifs often contain bitter herbs.

Remember – Zinc is only one vital nutrient the body needs in adequate amounts there is a huge array of others it needs to function properly.

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