Why are people so resistant to changing their diets? |

According to surveys there are many reasons or excuses people have why they can’t change their diet to help relieve their suffering.

1 Taste According to the research taste is the number one reason. We are such creatures of habit very reluctant to try new things. My mother is a typical example of this, many times after much persuasion she might try something new and actually like it. There are even times when she doesn’t dislike a food enough that she actually continues to consume that food and she eventually likes it. Our taste buds need time to adjust, and we need to be open to new things.

2 Convenience If it’s not convenient people won’t do it. That is why the food industry has made a huge fortune on convenience foods. The answer might be easy foods that are assembled so to speak. For instance – a can of beans drained, a bag of fresh pre-prepared mixed salad, fresh herbs, frozen mango defrosted, and a healthy salad dressing, preferably homemade. That doesn’t take long, and is of little effort, so much better than throwing a pizza in the oven.

3 Habit People are such creatures of habit, and once you understand it’s just a habit and not necessarily a habit you are attached to. Many are easier to change than you think.

4 Unfamiliarity can be very unsettling for some people like to stay within their comfort zone.

5 Cost, healthy eating is viewed by a lot of people as being expensive. This doesn’t have to be the case at all. On my site www.nutritionwithsonia.com I have written a 2 part article ‘Health on a Budget’

6 All too much People say it’s all too much, too confusing. So make a list of what you would like to change in your diet. Tackle one aspect at a time. Pick something easy one to start with. It is much easier to take one step at a time, in bite size pieces so to speak.

7 The idea of “taking away” certain foods puts many people off thinking about eating a healthier diet. Okay think instead of “adding to”. For instance – maybe you don’t like the idea of giving up your unhealthy breakfast, which you think you surely should if you were going to embark on a healthy diet. Eat less of your cereal and add highly nutritious fruits like blue berries, chopped kiwis and dark plums.