Lupus | |

It has been reported that there are dozens of medications that can trigger systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The drugs most lightly to cause “drug-induced lupus” -

Hydralazine for blood pressure

Quinidine and Procainamide used for abnormal heart rhythms

Phenytoin used for epilepsy

Isoniazid used for tuberculois

D-penicillamine used for rheumatoid arthritis

These drugs are known to stimulate the immune system and cause SLE. Usually drug-induced SLE accounts for about 5% and generally the symptoms subside when you stop taking the medications.

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Lupus is a condition that comes under the heading of Arthritis – it too is an inflammatory condition that are acute and chronic – an auto-immune disease.

Our immune system is a complex system – designed to protect us – to fight off any invading bacteria, virus etc. The immune system protects us by producing antibodies that bind to the enemy and destroy it. However the immune system can go haywire, get confused and starts attacking your own tissue! Why is not totally clear.

Lupus can affect various part of the body, depending on the individual. Sometimes lupus can cause disease of the skin, heart, lungs, kidneys, joints, and/or nervous system. When only the skin is involved, the condition is called lupus dermatitis or cutaneous lupus erythematosus. This form of lupus only affects skin, without internal disease, is called discoid lupus. When internal organs are affected the condition is referred to as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Interestingly, lupus affects women much more often than men, and generally between the ages of 20 to 45.

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Sonia Jones ND from The Haven Spa and Health Clinic

Hair loss – known as alopecia can occur in about 50 percent of people with lupus (a form of arthritis) at some time during the course of the disease. For a woman this is extremely distressing, but the good news is, hair loss associated with lupus is usually temporary.

It is hard to make hard and fast rules because some people’s hair loss is spread from all over the scalp, but for some people hair might fall out in patches. As I have said already don’t panic your hair will grow back (its rare if it doesn’t).

On the odd occasion lupus causes a rash in/on the scalp which is called a discoid rash, that causes scarring of the hair follicles. The hair loss in this case is due to the scarring and is often permanent.

The other thing you need to be aware of – the medications used to treat lupus like prednisone and immuno-suppressive therapies, may cause reversible hair loss.

Of-course there are other reasons for losing your hair – maybe its hereditry or due to deficiencies, a shock, too much stress etc

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