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Kombucha tea is an ancient health remedy that has been around for nearly 2000 years or so. Kombucha Fungus japonicus, it is often referred to as a mushroom, but is actually a colony of yeast and bacteria that looks like a jelly-like substance. First used in China to help relieve digestive problems. Advocates believe kombucha [...]

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Natural Treatments

20th October is International Osteoporosis Day Mention the word osteoporosis and the first thing you think of is calcium supplements, dairy products and menopausal women. Both men and women get osteoporosis and not always when they reach old age. Our bone density peaks at the age of 35ish. So we need to think about our [...]

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Medicinal Foods & Recipes

Sonia Jones ND from the Haven Spa and Health Clinic A shopping list to simplify things for you – PROTEIN SECTION Avoid pork – very acid forming Free-range or organic if possible Beef is second to pork, in the acid forming stakes then Lamb Chicken Duck Venison Turkey _________eat less of the protein foods above [...]

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Arthritis Self-Help

1) Hair follicles can be affected by some drugs. Check with your doctor or research for yourself the side-effects for your medication. Some cancer treatments, immune suppressants, some arthritis treatments can affect hair growth. Solution – talk to your doctor. 2) Bold patches could be caused by ring worm, causing inflamed areas. Once the ringworm [...]

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Arthritis Self-Help

Sonia Jones ND from the Haven Spa and Health Clinic When we think of inflammation we might think of pain and the inflammatory conditions like arthritis or gout. However, inflammation and the destruction it causes can be silent, painless and go un-noticed. Inflammation is so widely linked to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and accelerated aging. [...]

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Arthritis in General

No one has found a ‘magic potion’ as yet, over the centuries so much energy and research has gone into the pursuit of the ‘fountain of youth’ but in recent years much light has been shed on the subject. Thanks to all this effort we now know there is so much we can do to [...]

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Arthritis Self-Help

Sleep can be a problem for many due to pain and anxiety. Somehow pain seems to get worse while we lie there in the early hours, trying not to focus on the pain. For others just lying down in bed seems to aggravate their problem. Some people just can’t switch off their brains. Recuperative sleep [...]

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Medicinal Foods & Recipes

Sonia Jones ND from the Haven Spa and Health Clinic, Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama I love 99.99% of fruits and vegetables, but this one is in the 00.01% for me. However, I do know a lot of people who really enjoy this vegetable, each to their own. It is a good source of B3 (helps to [...]

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Arthritis Self-Help

When we think of sulphur we think of the smell – not a pleasant smell at that. But there is much more to sulphur than meets the nose! It is an important part of our body’s make-up and has long been used as part of a healing program for arthritis. Sulphur has been prized since [...]

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Medicinal Foods & Recipes

Sonia Jones ND from the Haven Spa and Health Clinic, Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama We all know the saying there are always exceptions that prove the rule. Here we discuss the general rule that all natural foods are good for you, but there are exceptions to this rule, that might surprise you. Some natural foods contain [...]

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Arthritis Self-Help

I have heard many times over the years when discussing with people about changing their eating habits, that it is impossible to be healthy on a tight budget. This is a misconception. Convenience foods are generally not healthy and more expensive for what they are. Here are 20 tips that might help you save money, [...]

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Arthritis Self-Help

According to surveys there are many reasons or excuses people have why they can’t change their diet to help relieve their suffering. 1 Taste According to the research taste is the number one reason. We are such creatures of habit very reluctant to try new things. My mother is a typical example of this, many [...]

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