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More News Herbs, Supplements etc

Bromelain Is an enzyme that is found in the stems of pineapples. When this supplement is taken with food, it acts like a digestive enzyme aiding in the digestive process, especially protein. However, when taken in between meals it has a profound affect on pain and inflammation. This fact has been well documented and has [...]

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Natural Treatments

Most people today eat a diet sadly lacking in magnesium, magnesium is vital for optimum functioning of the body in so many ways. Magnesium has both anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties, the skin is highly absorbent (this is why hormone replacement patches or nicotine patches work so well) and you can take advantage of this fact. [...]

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Arthritis Self-Help

We all know about furring up of the arteries and how that can have a detrimental affect on the heart and blood pressure. Did you that furring up of the arteries can cause back degeneration and pain? Smoking and/or poor diet has been linked with the condition known as atherosclerosis and aortic calcification. Atherosclerosis is [...]

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Medicinal Foods & Recipes

Gluten is a substance that is very difficult to digest and as we get older this substance becomes even more difficult to digest. This substance is found in foods that most people over dose on eat day. Large amounts of gluten is found in wheat, smaller amounts in rye, and much smaller amounts in barley [...]

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Arthritis Self-Help

What are prostaglandins? They are hormone-like substances that can promote or quell inflammation depending on the type of food you choose to eat. You have a direct control of the type of prostaglandins your body produces by the foods and drinks you choose. We eat far too many refined processed oils, margarine, and shortenings, causing [...]

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Medicinal Foods & Recipes

High-fructose corn syrup verses fructose in Fresh fruit It is of great concern to me that people are getting confused between high fructose corn syrup and fructose in fresh fruit. People are telling me they are not eating fresh fruit because they have read about fructose and how bad it is for them. High Fructose [...]

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Arthritis Self-Help

The more you help the organs of elimination work at optimum the more toxins your body will remove, the better your system will cope, the less pain you will suffer. There are 5 major organs of elimination busy working every second of the day, come what may. Give them more than they can handle and [...]

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Arthritis Self-Help

There are five inflammatory substances the body produced in response to various factors causing suffering and degeneration such as arthritis – environmental pollution, metabolic by-products, nutritional deficiencies and poor food choices, structural stress, digestive problems, infections, and pharmaceutical drugs. 1) Histamine – the mast cells produce histamine, I am sure you have heard of anti-histamine [...]

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Herbs, Supplements etc

As we get older our bodies tend to release more chemicals known as cytokines, they encourage degeneration, inflammation and pain. These are all typical of arthritis type conditions. Research has revealed that taking DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) found in fish oil can suppress the release of these cytokines. DHA is an omega-3 essential fatty acid. Flaxseeds [...]

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Medicinal Foods & Recipes

Sugar is seriously acid forming encouraging pain in conditions like arthritis, it’s highly addictive, interferes with digestion and your immune system. It is so addictive that most people find it hard to give it up, in most of its forms. It is found in one form or another in so many products today. You are [...]

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Medicinal Foods & Recipes

Artificial sweeteners in our experience at the clinic seen to cause aches and pains in some people and for others they seem to make their arthritis worse. If you take splenda, equal, nutra-sweet, aspartame, saccharin (not so popular these days but still found in some products. Do your self a favor, give them up completely [...]

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Arthritis Self-Help

We are lead to believe that most illnesses are genetic and that there is little we can do about them such as arthritis. I find this a strange statement, if this is the case, why are most chronic diseases many times more prevalent today? If we look at every situation where Native people changed from [...]

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