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More News Arthritis Self-Help

Self-help – at work or at home – The 5 Minute Mini-Breaks Most of us sit at our desks or in front of our computers for far too long, or drive for long stretches at a time, without a break, without getting up, for hours on end. Our neck and shoulders tense up and soon [...]

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Natural Treatments

You maybe in too much chronic pain from your arthritis condition to exercise in the usual way. For chronic pain (NEVER for acute pain – just received from an injury) – soak in a hot bath with a couple of large handfuls of Epsom salts, relax with some calming essential oils and listen to relaxing [...]

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Natural Treatments

Turn your bathroom and bathtub into a healing sanctuary. 2 or 4 handful of sea salt  in your bath water can – encourage the whole body to detoxify stimulate the circulation – improving health helps treat athlete’s foot, and any hard patches on the feet are softened relaxes tense, aching muscles and joints helps relieve [...]

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Natural Treatments

I have came across people that after a car accident many months earlier have had on going problems with their neck, arms and hands. Joints get damaged, and close to the joints run nerves, nerves to the arms. The joints become swollen and nerves become compressed resulting in pain, pins and needles, in the neck, [...]

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Herbs, Supplements etc

What are the symptoms? Pain, numbness and tingling, affecting the wrist, or hands, fingers or other joints like the elbow (tennis elbow, not always caused by tennis). It is due to a repetition of the same limited movements over a period of time. RSI can be extremely painful and therefore debilitating. What can help? Drink [...]

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Medicinal Foods & Recipes

Research has found that not only is olive oil good for keeping the heart healthy is seems to help in arthritic conditions too, even seems to reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. It was discovered those with highest lifelong consumption of olive oil were less likely to develop the disease. It is important that [...]

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Herbs, Supplements etc

It’s a viscous circle – you are in pain so you take NSAD (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) to ease the pain and inflammation. These pills do nothing to encourage healing, evidence is showing they can actually contribute to the pain and deterioration by inhibiting cartilage formation. These NSADs if used on a longer basis can cause [...]

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Herbs, Supplements etc

Selenium is vital to the correct functioning of every part of the body, and overall good health. Selenium is needed for the production of hormone like substances called prostaglandins. They are needed to reduce any inflammation of the joints of arthritis sufferers, and to ensure their good functioning. There are areas in the world, for [...]

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Medicinal Foods & Recipes

Drinking dandelion root and celery seed tea can be helpful as part of a wider treatment for arthritis and rheumatism. For the best effect take it regularly. Dandelion will stimulate the liver as a gentle cleansing tonic. Celery seeds help to clear toxins from the joints. The dandelion leaf has also been used therapeutically for [...]

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Natural Treatments

A lot of people imagine only the elderly suffer the pain of arthritis, children can also suffer. How can you help your child who is suffering such pain? Aromatherapy can be used both for emotional and physical conditions. What is so nice about this therapy, children don’t have to take horrible pills and potions. Essential [...]

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Medicinal Foods & Recipes

We all know that fruit and vegetables are good for us. Though you wouldn’t think so when you look at all the statistics of how little people eat each day. You may think that you are getting the nutrients you need from the vegetables you eat but are you? As an arthritis sufferer you need [...]

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Medication Info

Some arthritis suffers need, or opt for surgery, this is a big decision, any surgery is invasive no matter how simple and is viewed as a trauma by the body. The body is pumped with various chemicals that it has to deal with, then there is the healing process, and the anxiety.  Few people look [...]

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