Skin Brushing for arthritis, encourages the body to detox

Skin brushing helps the body detox by encouraging the movement of the lymphatic system.

Skin brushing should be done most mornings before stepping into the bath or shower, while your skin is still dry. The whole process will take no longer than 3 to 5 minutes. Skin brushing will assist in the cleansing process, by effectively stimulating the lymphatic system. Use a natural bristle brush or a loofa. You need to start off gently, sweeping over the skin in the direction of the heart (always up the legs and up the arms). To encourage lymph flow, brush with a fairly light pressure. Never brush over skin that is broken, irritated, inflamed, sun-burnt, or itchy. It is important to use a natural bristle brush only, never a synthetic one. When you have finished brushing take a bath or shower, maybe with Epsom salts or essential oils.