Medicinal Foods & Recipes « Arthritis Alternative Treatment dot ComArthritis Alternative Treatment dot Com

Chai Tea Wonderful aromatic tea, a drink traditionally found in India and Nepal. Place three mugs full of water or 50:50 water and rice milk or oat milk into a pan. Add a few crushed cardamom pods, whole cloves, cinnamon bark or powdered, and a few slices of fresh ginger. Bring to a boil gradually, simmer for a short while, then remove from the heat and add some green tea, allow it to steep for a couple of minutes. Try not to sweeten with anything. Only if you have to sweeten your tea add a little Stevia (easy to find [...Read the Rest]

Chai Tea Wonderful aromatic tea, a drink traditionally found in India and Nepal. Place three mugs full of water or 50:50 water and rice milk or oat milk into a pan. Add a few crushed cardamom pods, whole cloves, cinnamon bark or powdered, and a few slices of fresh ginger. [...Read the Rest]

It is one of the oldest medicinal herbs held in high regard by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. The seeds smell a little like celery but have a mild bitter/sour taste and are often used in curries. Studies have shown fenugreek helps to stabilize blood sugar levels. It helps lung [...Read the Rest]

Tuna is a great low-fat protein source. It is a good detoxifier and immune booster. If you can’t get fresh tuna use some fresh salmon instead. It has all the basic merits that tuna has. Tuna contains ‘essential fatty acids’ such as omega-3 that are anti-inflammatory helping to reduce pain. [...Read the Rest]

What could be better than a handful of cherries? They are very nutritious and very delicious. They contain a plant compound called ellagic acid; it’s like a super nutrient helping to protect us from all sorts of health problems and is profoundly anti-aging. They are also anti-spasmodic helping to calm [...Read the Rest]

This is a very good cleanser for the liver – drink ½ the juice of a lime in a little warm water first thing in the morning, every other day, for about 90 days. Limes can kick start the metabolism, are alkaline forming in the body. Use lemon as often [...Read the Rest]

Melons are extremely good for cleansing and hydrating the body, combats bloating and puffiness. There are several types of melon, and they have a high GI (glycemic index) rating of about 75, but a much more accurate rating is the GL (glycemic loading) which makes melons about 10 in reality. [...Read the Rest]

Guava described as the apple of the tropics. The guava tree produces a lot of fruit. This fruit is good for the skeletal and lymphatic system. Guava helps the body in combating free-radicals produced within the body so important to health and anti-aging. Rich source of fiber like most fruit [...Read the Rest]

Sweet potatoes are a good substitute for normal potatoes. Sweet potatoes GI and GL are lower than a normal potato. Rich source of beta-carotene, vitamin C and E all very good anti-aging antioxidants. They are easy to digest, have anti-inflammatory properties, help heal ulcers and improve circulation. The properties in [...Read the Rest]

Most people like carrots, another vegetable that is particularly good for the liver. An excellent detoxification food. Anything that encourages the liver will ultimately help the whole system to function better. This vegetable is more effective when eaten raw like most fruit and vegetables, as cooking carrots increases their GI [...Read the Rest]

Onions are much milder than garlic, and are very good at cleansing and detoxifying the system. They contain a very important flavonoid called quercetin. Onions have the same merits to a greater or lesser extent as leeks or garlic. Onions also lower cholesterol, keeps the blood thin, protect the heart [...Read the Rest]

Garlic, you either hate it or love it. It adds a lot of flavour to any food and it has a strong odour that some people find too much. If you are someone that finds garlic too much, use leeks or onions instead, and if this is still too strong [...Read the Rest]

Leeks are a member of the onion family which also includes garlic and chives, all good for you. They can be used in stews, casseroles, soups etc. They are rich in antioxidants and have some very good cleansing properties. Leeks, like the rest of the family help to lower cholesterol, [...Read the Rest]